The path to enlightenment is littered with turds..
In my youth my father was a huge Tony Robbins fan. Tons of Tony with heavy doses of Wayne Dwyer. Dad had all of their tapes. It was the 80’s and you could not simply download their guidance on to your phone and be on your way. You had to pop it in the deck, turn it, flip it and reverse it, hoping it didn’t jam. Dad’s mantra back then was “Thoughts become things”. He reminded me of this often as I sulked into my teens, hell bent on perfecting the dark arts of angst and pessimism.
Fast forward 20 years and here I am attempting to conquer mindfulness for myself. Yet another challenging task that few will warn you comes along with being a grown up. I imagined the big pain in the ass of adulthood would be balancing my checkbook but now there’s an app for that. Reconciling my mind appears to be the modern day equivalent.
Mindfulness.. For me it is like walking a dog. A dog who, unfortunately, has developed a taste for turds. The two of you are out on the block. You’re taking in the trees, you’re waving at neighbors and man, it feels great to be out moving around… Meanwhile your dog has it’s nose to the ground trying to pick up the scent of the petrified cat turd that’s waiting in the yard two houses up. Once they zero in on said turd you will be pulling on the leash to keep them from consuming it... whole. You will try to reason with them. When that doesn’t work you turn on the shame. “Gross! Why?!” Where did this dog even get a taste for turds? You feed them regularly and well. Organic even. Nothing but the best. Yet, they would be stoked for a bowl of actual turds. Ancient or fresh.. it doesn’t matter.
My mind can be exactly like a turd hunting dog. I have to keep a vigilant eye on what it’s trying to choke down and ultimately turn into more turds. Inspired by my father I have created a mantra of my own. Repeated daily in a calm voice, with zero shame..
“Do not eat the turds.”
I have found it to be highly effective. Are you on your own path of enlightenment? If you can relate to this, please feel free to borrow it. Meditate on it. Make bumper stickers or inspirational desktop backgrounds, whatever works.
Do you have a mantra? Lay it on me.