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Consider the Banana

They don’t call it the worlds most popular berry for nothin’. Bananas are often the MVP of breakfast. They are sweet and full of potassium. They travel with ease and pair well with peanut butter. They’re perfect. Maybe too perfect. Turns out that bananas (being virtually seedless) are cloned. They walk alike. They talk alike. This means that they all stumble and fall alike as well. Due to our love of consistency and desire for perfection, banana plantations do not plant a variety of bananas. Just hulking plots of clones. This sets an expiration date for the whole damn production. If one clone gets sick there are no others around with genes that could potentially be resistant to whatever the threat may be. It’s stunning really. This common place fruit that’s equal parts loved and taken for granted doesn’t just kick off the day or gracefully rot on top of your fridge. It fuels economies of entire countries. And.. it offers yet another example of diversity being the solution.

Day 22: Smoothie featuring The Banana + kale, spinach, dates, almond butter & oat milk + Chia, sunflower, pumpkin & hemp seeds + Ashwaganda, alfalfa, spirulina, chlorella & moringa.