What is new and good?
It is the first Monday of the Sober October challenge and I know we do a lot of celebrating over the weekend for being hangover free but honestly, not being hungover on a Monday is even better. There are things to be done and with zero hangover we can be fully present and energized for them. Huzzah! So for those of you new to the blog, I like to start off each week with a little awareness of what is new and good in the world. So let’s dig in!
Fall produce is starting to come in! This is one of my favorite seasons for food. And I may have said this before about other seasons but maybe I had heat stroke, it is Texas after all. Fall wins. Fall has your back when it comes to those sugar cravings we’ve been talking about. There are a lot of solutions being harvested right now. Butternut squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, pears, pomegranate!! I mean c’mon. Even some caramelized Brussels sprouts could scratch that itch. It’s a sweet time of year. Recipes and inspiration to come!
More sweet news… Bees are bouncing back! Recent data from the Department of Agriculture show that some states are experiencing growths in colony numbers of 70% or more. Good news for the planet and you’re sweet tooth. Honey will still spike your blood sugar but it is healthier than traditional refined sugar. Full of antioxidants and if you buy local it can help you manage seasonal allergies.
A paper just came out on the topic of empathic response in binge drinkers compared to non-binge drinkers. I was thrilled by the idea that anyone would even think to research such a thing and the results were amazing but as a retired binge drinker myself, not surprising. The study that showed binge-drinkers' brains have to put more effort into trying to feel empathy for other people in pain. In other words, under certain circumstances when resources become limited, binge drinkers may struggle to engage in an empathic response to others. If that’s not a reason to stay sober I don’t know what is.
Day 252: Full fat Greek yogurt, nutty grain free granola made with maple syrup (for a little zinc), kiwi, apple and bloobs. I snacked on the rest of the fruit while I plated this up. Simple. Delicious. All the colors.