A new friend asked me recently “What’s your deal with eggs? Why Naked and Eggs?” I guess it does need clarifying.. I will say that the naked part has lead to loads of basic DM’s from dudes who complain about how I am never naked. I am of course 100% okay with disappointing them. However, I do wish it were taken less literally and was read as emotionally vulnerable. The name came from a time when I was living alone, broke, drinking and struggling a lot. It was a dark time. I wanted to start a blog and attempt to be open about what was going on in my life. In a way that I could not seem to pull off face to face with another person. AND it just so happened that at the time I was often naked around the house. Not in some sexy lounge-y sort of fashion but in an “I’m depressed, why get dressed” kind of vibe. As you can imagine, if throwing on a robe was taxing I definitely was not cooking myself anything substantial but I found that throwing an egg on anything made it a “meal”. So Naked and Eggs.. it just summed up my lifestyle at the time. When I bought the url and started writing I found myself making light of the mess I was in and therefore didn’t post a lot of what I wrote or with any regularity whatsoever. It was maybe funny but it certainly was not authentic. This could have easily become a lifestyle blog for snarky, drunk depressives. A place to commiserate over toxic relationship, share hangover cures as a form of self care and superficial spiritual inspiration with the occasional nihilistic rant thrown in. I am grateful that the hangovers kept me from writing with any consistency.. I was in such an unhealthy place in every aspect of my life and honestly… any level of readership would have only encouraged me to stay there. I am however very glad that I already had a blog set up when I was finally ready to open up, to shift, to start eating better and taking care of myself. I would have never guessed that it would transform into this. Funny enough, during quarantine it provided me with a reason to get dressed.
Day 253: Roasted sweet potato with kimchi, yogurt, sunflower sprouts and bloobs. I eat a lot of sweet potatoes.. a thing I once upon a time truly hated. It didn’t help that when I was introduced to them they were covered in marshmallows and drowning in butter. As if to say they weren’t sweet enough on their own. I do believe that traditional preparation is well, rude. These days I like to pair them with something tangy, spicy or herby to set off that sweetness. Sweet potato curry or smashed sweet potatoes with roasted garlic and ghee.. sweet potato hash with serranos and bitter greens. I just love the contrast.