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Are we not better than this?

I avoided the news yesterday. Reading about George Floyd today had me in tears before I had even brushed my teeth. I don’t understand this. I do understand this. Racism is everywhere. The only way to change bias is to change culture. We need contact. We need to connect with each other if we are to ever unlearn these implicit biases. To keep people from being killed violently, needlessly in the streets.. or their homes. I don’t know what kind of person could hold someone down until they cease to exist. I don’t know the kind of insecurity or fear that drives this. I am heartbroken for us. We don’t recognize each other as ourselves. It’s a culture of “Me” and not “We”. This continues to happen because we allow it to. The viral videos exist because someone watched it happen and did nothing. I’m not trying to shame anyone for documenting. It’s important. I just wander what it will take for us to do more. Are we not better than this? Don’t we want to be?

Day 137: I made this but I’m not hungry.. sautéed chard, purple cabbage, wax peppers, garlic and potatoes with a poached egg, flax seeds and feta.