I want to talk about intuition. Warning.. there is a rant coming on. I want to talk about it because we are all so unbelievably perceptive and yet.. I see so many of us not listening to our guts. I think it’s due to the fact that in this life we face a lot of inconvenient truths. And here are just a few.. That pizza is not good for you. Ya know it. That dude you’re dating is a total dirtbag. Look at him. The system is corrupt. They keep proving it. Wine exacerbates your anxiety levels. Tell me I am wrong. We have a nose for what’s up. Humans are high instinct. We’re animals but we live outside of our environment. We’ve been domesticated and too many of us no longer trust ourselves. Not when it comes to what to eat. How to act. Who to fuck. How to vote. We are not tuned into ourselves. And in the moments we are we often discount that clarity We second guess ourselves. We gotta stop this. Here’s a story.. once upon a time the wife of a man I worked for scheduled a meeting with me. She sat down at my desk and flat out asked me to stop helping him. Basically she wanted me to stop doing my job. She said that he came home from work and expected the same kind of assistance he got in the office from her. I’ll never forget it. She put her hands in her hair and said “I just can’t be his shortcut to thinking.” Gasp! A shortcut to thinking. What a nightmare. That is what we have done here. Inconvenienced by the miracles that are our mental processes and internal instincts.. we are relying on others far too often. And we all know that a lot of the time “others” actually means corporations, administrations and dubious systems. Groups with agendas that don’t have our best interest in mind. I mean look at how much blind faith we have in the FDA. It’s criminal. They are criminal. We look and trust outside ourselves rather than deciphering, feeling, thinking, facing and accepting our own truths. And why would we would we do that? I worry that it’s because too many of us do not truly value ourselves. And on that note… I’m going to put a pin in it. Clearly there will be a future follow up rant about self worth. Until then.. get quiet. Turn up your intuition. Put down the pizza. Trust. You know what’s up.
Day 161: Sautéed kale with lemon. Cucumbers and cherry tomatoes with smoked trout. Plus a spicy mustard yogurt sauce and everything bagel seasoning.