I’m writing at the end of the day.. it started off strong. Ultimately the day was a mixed bag though. Big ups. Big downs. The wins were celebrated with waffles and rounds of badminton with my neighbors. The downs.. well, a work project that has been holding on to a lot of my energy was dragged back to square one. A technical glitch (or kick in the pants) from the fun that is mercury retrograde. It’s frustrating and tedious. I napped, I stretched, I took a bath and there was a little bit of cursing and commiserating with my wisest friends on the phone. One told me to look at the lost work as a rough draft. That stung but he is right. So tomorrow is a new day. My goal is to approach it with grace and remain mindful of the fact that no event in and of itself can truly be judged as good or bad. You just gotta let it play out because who knows? Like that old Taoist story about the farmer and his horse. You know the one. His horse runs off one day and the neighbors say “Damn. Bad luck, man,” and the farmer says “Maybe..” The next day the horse shows back up with 3 new friends. A little gang of wild ponies. All the neighbors are like “Hell yeah, free ponies! That’s awesome!” And the farmer just says “Maybe..” but then his son falls and breaks his leg while riding one of the new ponies and all the neighbors showed up to express their sympathies for his “misfortune” again.. “maybe”. A week rolls by and the military comes to draft his son but they end up not taking him because his leg is busted from riding free ponies and the neighbors all congratulate the farmer for how surprisingly well it all turned out and he just says “maybe”…
I want to be this farmer.. maybe.
Day 167: Waffles for the win! Sweet potato, corn, roasted garlic and poblano peppers with Greek yogurt, herbs, avocado and a poached egg. I basically added last nights leftovers to some grated sweet potato and beat an egg into it to hold it all together. I love a leftover makeover and my waffle iron does too.