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I got to digging through some old photos recently and I was startled by the fact that I am drunk or hungover in nearly all of them from 2017 and back. Yikes. I honestly believed I lived a fairly healthy lifestyle back then.. I did bikram yoga and ate lots of salads. I took vitamins and put avocado on everything. I also regularly closed down the bar, smoked cigarettes, ate plenty of junk food in the middle of the night and skipped a lot of meals. I was trying like hell to have it both ways. I slept terribly back in those days. I also had IBS, heartburn, terrible periods, crippling anxiety and zero chill. I was clueless as to what could be causing these afflictions. This photo though of me and that colossal sugar bomb.. dear goddess! If you had told this girl that one day she would be standing in a rehab kitchen trying to passionately convince a newly sober community to have some fruit instead of eating anymore donuts.. well, she would have laughed at you, maybe smashed that donut into your face and asked if there were any tiny bottles of booze left in the mini bar. Point is, we really can change. We can go from donuts at 3 in the morning to smoothies 8 and from being hammered to being helpful.

Day 235: A “Better than a Donut” smoothie.. Banana, bloobs, peanut butter, coconut water, coconut oil, brown rice protein, yellow pea protein, organic hemp protein, pomegranate, monk fruit, Spirulina, oat grass, barley grass, ashwagandha, reishi, lions mane and cocoa.