Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Last night I was at home smudging away, singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow and waiting for Tornado 2020 to roll in. It was a no show but the city got a long overdue bath.
Rain + full moon = brand new squeaky clean vibes!
I’m about to run over to the farm. I need greens! I’m lucky to live in walking distance of three urban farms. Visiting them once a week keeps me feeling grounded. A trip to the farm is so much more centering than going to the grocery store. No fluorescent lights. No one is in a hurry. There is no check out line purgatory. Just farm dogs and fresh dirt and people who are as excited about cauliflower and root vegetables as I am. Find a farm near you..
Day 3: almond butter on wild rice cakes with blueberries and seeds (hemp, sunflower, chia and pumpkin).