Once upon a time Sunday’s meant getting up early to go work a brunch shift. It was a choppy sea of eggs and hangovers. I don’t miss it at all. Let’s all give a round of applause to those who are flipping pancakes and topping off coffee cups at warp speed this morning. Heroes, each and every one of them. I’m grateful that my day will be spent doing some reading for school, quietly at home in sweatpants.
It’s been a stellar week. I had some little victories, soaked up the Cancer full moon vibes AND I saw a Bosch painting, in the flesh, with my own two eyes. The Blanton’s Medieval Monsters exhibit, (which closes today) was exactly the kind of place one might encounter a Bosch. Still, it caught me by surprise and made my fucking week. The whole show was incredible. The patience and craft that went into some of the art and texts was dumbfounding… as was the visual reminder that we’ve literally been painting women and anyone perceived as “alien” to us as monsters for longer than I can even comprehend. Troubling. I walked away thinking about what and how much it takes to change our beliefs. I decided that from here on out when I’m feeling frustrated about my progress in changing my own ways/beliefs/actions/habits im going to beat myself with a feather rather than a bat. I have changed a lot and luckily it hasn’t taken 100’s of years. I am also going to be more grateful and aware of the positive shift in the world that is happening. Slow and steady. Just like Sunday.
Day 4: Steel cut oatmeal with ba-na-na-na’s, blueberries, dates, crystallized ginger & seeds. *side of waffles*
St Christopher Carrying the Christ Child Through a Sinful World - Hieronymous Bosch Early 16th Century