Rhyming’ and stealing’..


I take a walk every day. It clears my head, keeps me grounded and in love with my surroundings. There’s an opportunistic element to my strolls though. I often bring scissors with me and I’ll cut the poppies or rosemary right out of a neighbors yard. I’ll shake a tree or get a friend to lift me up. I’ll wear a big skirt so I can carry pounds of peaches gathered up in it all the way home. I would feel bad or fear it would further fuck up my karma but I see so much of it hit the ground and rot. Sometimes I tell myself it’s not stealing.. it’s liberating. Waste not want not, right?

These grapefruits are amazing and hard to acquire without assistance. The tree is right by my neighbors front door and the fruit is hung high. Luckily, gravity assisted me with this here grapefruit. It had hit the ground and was waiting for me when I walked by. It truly is an abundant world.

Day 15: Liberated grapefruit + yogurt parfait with berries, toasted quinoa, seeds and maple syrup.