

A major pet peeve of mine is when you ask someone how they are and they say “Fine.” It is dismissive - to you and themselves. In one syllable it shuts the door and takes connection off the table. There’s an acronym for it that I am sure you have heard before.

Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional.

As a person who spent a lot of their time on this planet being totally fine, I can tell you that acronym is dead on. Recently when I got this response from a friend who was clearly on the verge of tears - my heart just slumped down in my chest. For her and for all the times I have let this word leave my mouth as a full stop, bold-faced lie. Later that night I was thinking about the distance this word brings and how unfortunate that is because it is so easy to use it. I thought it would be cool if I could change the definition. It’s all in how you use it, right? In the 90’s the person you were crushing on was fine. If you dig out the Webster’s the first meaning is “of high quality.” This is not the most common use of course and inflection forever changes everything. Out of desire to quit using this word in a dismissive and dishonest manner I started futzing around with the acronym and put together some options to redefine it for yourself or create a more mindful place for it in the universal mind.

F - Free, Fortunate, Fabulous, Focused, Forgiving
I - Independent, Inspired, Invincible, Insightful, Influential
N- Nourished, Nurtured, Natural, Not allowing yourself to be effected by other people’s shit
E - Empowered, Engaged, Energetic, Effective, Empathetic, Entertained.

Today I am personally feeling Fortunate, Inspired, Nourished and Effective. How are you?

Day 320: Deep green detox broth on a cold grey day.. turmeric broth heated up with loads of garlic and kale. Blended, strained and brightened up with some lemon. Topped off with a little Udo’s 3*6*9 oil. Mega comforting. I could feel my body waking up as I drank it. Like one of those time lapse videos of forsaken house plants perking up after a good watering. Amazing.