This morning I woke up at home for the first time in a few weeks. Through the window there were no twinkling constellations, rather the very blunt security light from the ass side of the taco shop. The winds howling over the plains replaced by the wailing horn of the early morning train. But damn, I had forgotten how much I love my bed. I did not want to get out of it. Hunger eventually became my motivation. The only thing at the house to eat was smoked licorice, pickled cauliflower, many mustards and some potatoes that sprouted while I was away. Luckily, Saturdays are farm days. Outside of Eden East I ran into Randall Holt (local cellist and chef) who had been up late prepping for Oyster Fest. We talked about breakfast and food processors, mercury retrograde and the Herb Bar. He also told me Boggy Creek had some killer red butter lettuce... As you can see below it really is a god damn stunner. Anyhow, I started missing the ranch before the gate closed behind me but.. running into talented / A+ humans like Randall and the ladies at the farm, grabbing coffee from Fleet and snagging some flowers out of the yard has me feeling pretty good about being home. I am so grateful for this little corner of the world, the rad people I get to share it with and this hand sized cookie that I will keep all to myself.
Day 50: One giant chocolate chip cookie (thank you Sour Duck) + oat milk latte.. This cookie was giving me puppy dog eyes and really wanted to come home with me. How could I say no? Healthy meals resume tomorrow.