The value of creative expression


Many people seem to have had a negative reaction to the idea that this time at home could be used to follow through on our personal creative endeavors. That this line of thinking is rooted in capitalism. My forever stance is “feel how you gotta feel” but this response has bummed me out. It makes me wonder how some of us value the act of creating. Staying home and expressing ourselves is not capitalism. It is human. Externalizing the inner workings of our minds is how we come to truly know and potentially understand each other. For many of us our daily responsibilities and 9-5 jobs claim our time and mental bandwidth. Leaving us with nothing to express beyond exhaustion and for many, anxiety. A challenging combination.These feelings close us up, like a fist. Creativity happens when we are open. Many of us are givers and your creative expression is an incredible way of giving to yourself and others, simultaneously. It is self care. It is an act of vulnerability. It is a healthy way to process your feelings. And for those of us who are struggling and itching to get out of the house, Twyla Tharp said it best.. “Art is the only way to runaway without leaving home”

Day 69: Farm egg baked over kale, scallions, potatoes, goat cheese and sun dried tomatoes. Kombucha on the side.