Waking up with Zeus


So nice to roll out of bed in the roaring rain. Everything is in puddles. The heavy smell of earth. Thunder growling off in the distant corners of the sky. The kind of days that gently pull you into them, drop by drop. I had wanted to take a walk with my camera this morning but I think I’ll just leave the door open, flip some pancakes and paint a little instead.

Day 54: Banana Pancake… sounds like an insult that would stumble out of your mouth when you’re entirely flustered and at a loss for words. “You! You!.. Banana Pancake!” I’m working on some grain free recipes for a client and these are pretty satisfying. 1 banana, two eggs, a shake, shake, shake of cinnamon, 1/8 tsp baking powder and 3 Tbsp almond flour.. only complaint is that they’re a bit delicate in the pan. They throw a bit of a fit when you try to flip them. I can empathize with that though. All in all B+