Hiding in Plain Sight


If I had the means I would drop a copy of Hiding in Plain Sight on every doorstep in the country. While I currently do not have the funds to pull that off I will be sending a copy to my parents. They are long time Trump supporters. I wish I could say that it hasn’t effected our relationship over the past few years but sadly, it has. There is seemingly no corner of the world to escape to where the presidents name, voice or policy doesn’t have some effect. When you are unable to discuss something so present with out falling into an argument, having to abruptly change the subject or worse, someone implementing the silent treatment… what do you have? People have told me to not mention it. Make a deal with them to never discuss “it”. That would be doable if the topic being avoided was your feelings about mayonnaise or who the greatest sports ball team is. When it’s the defense and near adoration of a man (or a party of men) that you would be uncomfortable riding alone in an elevator with.. it’s a different story. When the policies they agree with and vote for actively work against the kind of world they, your parents told you to imagine and go create.. it feels like rejection, abandonment and at times betrayal. All the logical parts of me know not to take it personally. My inner child however, tugs on my sleeve. Urging me to back out of the room. To go somewhere safe.. to join the resistance. I vacillate between avoiding the situation all together and running around trying to shine a light on the reality not presented by FOX news. I digress.. this book is for everybody. Supporters and opponents alike. If you’re wondering how we got here, it’s got that. If you’re worried about where we’re going, it’s got that too.

Day 90: Hash.. potatoes, scallions & bell peppers with + egg and scrap sauce (leftover bits of parsley, cilantro, oregano, thyme, scallion & carrot tops, oil and vin).