

This spring situation has me beaming. It’s like an alternate reality. The headlines scrawl out daily loss, chaos and confusion. Painting a bleak picture of the present and what is to come. Once you step away and get outside the air is sweet, everything is in bloom and fruit is ripening in the trees. One view paralyzing, the other prolific. Yesterday after I wrapped up some school work I went for a walk with best friend. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, it is such a gift that we live in the same complex and can social distance together. We walked for miles and gracelessly climbed trees. We scaled fences and braved tall blackberry patches. Coming home with burs tangled up in our shoelaces and a backpack full of fresh fruit and flowers. I dropped off some loquats with Jeffrey who lives in the apartment next to mine. He gave me a slice of vanilla cake and then went back to drawing the view of the sunset from his couch. I ate it like a slice of pizza while I cooked dinner. Sautéed greens and fake meat with avocado and herbs. Later in the bath I tweezed blackberry thorns out of my fingertips while listening to Chopin and felt incredibly… complete.

Day 95: Quinoa, chard, broccoli and sweet potato with kimchi, avocado and 6 minute egg. Foraged loquats, blackberries and (store bought) blueberries on the side.