During my morning tea I opted to skip the news and exercise my intuition instead. I thought I’d pull one card for the collective vibe and consider the many perspectives it offers. I shuffled and the the 3 of wands popped out with the Queen of swords in tow. Damnit if tarot doesn’t just tell it like it is. The three of wands is here to encourage us to dig into the unrealized possibilities. To gather up our hope and create a clear vision of what we want the future to look like. It can be whatever we want but only if we believe that to be true.. See it, smell it, taste it, feel it, fall in love with it and commit. When we have a clear vision and set a strong intention, the more likely its realization. Notice how a queen showed up and not a king or the emperor? Coincidence? I think not. The Queen of Swords is maybe my favorite queen in the deck. If ever there were a queen who’s platform was social distancing, it is she. Her message is clear. “No more fuckery.” This woman will not tolerate any illusive or deceptive behavior. It is high time we take that energy on for ourselves. She is sitting there making sure that we will not be bullied out of what is ours. Not anymore. She reminds us to be independent in our thinking. Committed to our truth and vision. I know we all probably wanted a warmer and potentially more nurturing queen to arrive but this is the queen the world needs right now. She is a bad bitch and she is fed up.
Day 97: Oatmeal, loquats and pears, oh my! Peppermint green tea on the side.