

We live in an abundant world and I feel we have severely lost sight of that reality. The natural systems are not tricky. They’re fairly intuitive.. when we can hear our own inner voice. I haven’t been to the grocery store since we were told to shelter in place. I have ordered odds and ends but I’m mostly relying on the farm or foraging. I thoroughly love walking around to see what I can find. Berries, onions, herbs and delicate greens… they’re everywhere. There may very well be snakes in the grass but there are also some real riches living out their lives as misunderstood weeds. I came home from my walk last night with wild herbs for tea to help me relax and sleep. They were just growing here and there, lucky to not be mowed down. Everything on my plate today was grown within a 10 minute walk from my front door. Feeling at home in new and profound ways these days.

Day 109: Cucumbers, green apples, black beauty tomatoes, grapefruit, parsley, feta and yarrow flowers.