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Covid & Coitus

Spring is in the air and while the birds and bees are totally doing it in the yard, many of us humans are quarantined away inside our homes with no one to bone. Recently I saw a poll asking single folks how they are feeling these days in regard to their sex drive. The results were a 50/50 split between those who were distracted by everything else going on and those who are finding it hard to think about much more than sex. I get both sides. Everything is in bloom. We all want to pretend we are bunny rabbits but right now hooking up could quite literally take your breath away. A lot of people are bemoaning this “hands to yourself” situation we are in. To them I say (with love), take one for the team and go f*ck yourself.  Experience your own sexual energy in a new way with no distractions. Break your routine and try out some new techniques. Treat yourself with a new toy from Babeland. Build up some anticipation and mark it’s arrival on your calendar. For the good of your community get out of your sweat pants, put something on that makes you feel like the word desire was created just for you and get weird. Orgasms boost your mood, improve your concentration and help you sleep. They even help us manage our stress hormones. Providing yourself with killer orgasms, keeps everyone safe for now and will make you a better partner in the future when we all get to be all up in each others business again. So, once again for the cheap seats, with a lot of love.. Go f*ck yourself.

Day 85: Forbidden rice (how fitting), chard, kimchi, fried egg scallions.

Wearing: This is an All Saints dress I got in London for my 30th birthday. It has a curry stain on the front of it from some little place on brick lane that plied us with a lot of free wine. I never wear it.. where do you wear something like this? I feel like it wants to be covered in grass stains or to take off for burning man without leaving a note.. despite that last bit, I really love it. Invite me to something I could wear this to?