Pour some sugar on me…


My stock of sweets is dwindling. First went the fruit. Then the chocolate. At some point I pulled together the ingredients for a chocolate cake and left slices for my neighbors on their doorsteps. Kym (my best friend of 24 years and downstairs neighbor) called it Disco Cake. I thought she was referring to the fact that many items in my pantry had been 86’d or disco-ntinued but no. She was just being fun and awesome like she does. That cake is now history too. Que the lonely violin… I haven’t craved sugar like this since I first got sober. My purse was stuffed with a wide selection of gummies, licorice and dried fruit. I went through a bag of oranges the way Zsa Zsa Gabor went through husbands. Instead of drinks I would get dressed up and go out for dessert. Ice cream at Sweet Ritual. Creme brûlée’s at Justine’s or Enoteca’s affogato. I had no idea what a luxury those things were. To manage, I am drinking more water and treating myself to a cup of peppermint licorice tea after dinner. The spoiled parts of me feel it is a poor substitute but in reality it is pretty satisfying. What are you craving these days?

Day 86: PB&J oatmeal with seeds and the last of the bloobs… scraping the bottom of the jelly jar here.

No dress up today. It’s Monday and there is work to be done.