Good Morning Moves 101

I’ve done a lot of waking up in my life. I’m an early riser. I’m a napper.. a part time insomniac and often prone to just being overcome by sleep like one of those kittens you see on the internet who drifts off while sitting up. Despite all this waking up I would say I’ve been fairly bad at it for most of my days here on earth. Graceless hurried starts or conversely ass dragging lethargy. Lately though, I feel like I’ve got my system dialed in. I figured I’d share my routine with y’all. I’m a nosey lady. Endlessly curious about the ways other people live their lives. If you’re here I’m willing to bet you’ve got the same gene. This is what a lot of my mornings look like.

  • Up with the sun. No alarms. They’re too rude. Plus this way I can remember my dreams. They’re important. If there is any dream recall I record it on my phone or write it down as I come around.

  • Make the bed immediately upon exiting so the temptation to climb back in is lessened.

  • Piss. Wash my face. Brush my teeth and then I oil pull while I put coconut oil on my everything else. Head to toe. I prefer it to lotion because it doesn’t smell like a granny (or any that I have known) and you can buy it in bulk. It is moisturizing, reduces inflammation, helps to heal wounds and has antimicrobial properties. Making it great for fighting acne… which I am forever prone to.

  • Small glass of lemon water… I usually chug it because I do not love it. It wakes up my gut. The bodies first mind and immune system HQ.

  • I lay on my yoga mat and Wim Hoff for about 10 minutes. It’s better than coffee and makes my blood feel like it’s laced with glitter.

  • Mini ashtanga session. A little yoga to wake up all my joints and center my energy for the day.

  • Breakfast time.. I ask myself “Babe, what would make you feel nourished and happy?” Then I set out to make it happen.

  • While eating I either blog or do my Morning Pages. Sometimes they are one and the same.

  • Get dressed and clean up the kitchen. Then I am ra-ra-ready for the day!

There is always music involved.. anything from Belafonte to Chopin. Depends on my mood. Some days I throw in a cold shower. Depends on what my dreams were like.

Ok, I showed you mine. Now you show me yours. How do you wake up?

Day 128: Hefty serving of yogurt with bloobs, raspberries, bananana, seeds and coconut butter… which acts like icing on the cool exterior of a chilled berry. Winning!