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Some Full Moon Shit

Last night I was reading in bed when I got a text from my neighbor that just read “Moon”. I love my neighbor Jeffrey for things like this. If you have to share walls with someone Jeffrey is a pretty solid option. Sure, sometimes he parties on the balcony too late and I feel like I am a million years old as I tell him to turn it down but, I get it. I was 25 once too. Sometimes though, he shows up with cake or even yesterday he dropped off some bone broth and a CBD hemp stick before running around the streets with me. Barefoot, hunting for the moon. This was the last super moon of the year and it was beautiful. It’s in Scorpio.. I felt pretty emotional all night long. Scorpio is majorly introspective and often brings all our subconscious baggage to the surface. For better or worse. I journaled for a bit and lit some candles to let some shit go. To let it burn off. I tried my best to communicate my feelings and be patient with a friend who I recently had a falling out with. Misunderstandings are likely in times like these. *sigh .. shrug * I wrote a little letter forgiving whoever needed it and included myself in that lot. This is how we grow, change, become. We let things go and create the space we need to transform. Which is what Scorpio is all about.

Day 117: Peanut butter & cacao on sprouted wheat with nanananas and a seeds. I put seeds on gd everything. I have a jar with a selection of sunflower, pumpkin, hemp hearts, chia and sesame seeds that tops off nearly everything I eat. This adds extra doses of magnesium, iron, calcium, mono and poly unsaturated fats, fiber, omega 3’s, zinc, copper, manganese and protein to my diet throughout the day. Plus it adds that oh so satisfying crunch we all love. On the side I made a pretty potent beverage.. Coconut water, cucumber, a splash of apple cider vinegar with wheat grass, oat grass, alfalfa, spirulina and chlorella. It was like .. going down on a lawn mower during a spa retreat. Not bad, but not great.