Every-body’s gotta eat


Day 148: Make Me Happy, Salad! Mango, kimchi, blueberries, cucumber, sunflower sprouts, raw pumpkin and chia seeds, drizzled with coconut oil. It’s so colorful I’m happy just looking at it. Makes me want to dance! We’ve talked about how mangoes are great for your skin (thank you, mangoes) but did you know they are full of prebiotic dietary fiber? Serving them up with kimchi aka probiotics is a real two birds one stone scenario. See, the probiotics eat the prebiotics and you benefit from the carnage by 1. Having a delicious treat and 2. A healthy gut. Healthy gut = Happy mind! Sure, you basically threw those prebiotics to the wolves but.. every-body’s gotta eat! Don’t let it get to you.

I am wrapping up school right now, meeting with private clients (which I’ll have more information on soon) and trying to get The Herb Bar open again. The days are starting off with a bang and so does this track.. dance with me!