Me and the things in my life are on the outs. I’m de-cluttering. I’m cutting the fat. Trimming down. Making room. Telling things to clear out their desks and kick rocks. Less is more right? I want life to be easier. I want to make less micro decisions throughout the day. They say creativity thrives on limitations. And that’s my goal, to creatively thrive. So let the limitations begin!
Day 151: Breakfast in (nearly) less time than it takes to say “pass me the bananas, please”. All these things just live on a shelf. Just put it all in a bowl. It can still be pretty. Greek yogurt (no added sugar) 1 banana, 2 Tbsp of almond butter with honey and coconut oil, some blueberries, spirulina, pumpkin seeds, chia and crunchy quinoa.
Spirulina is a nutrient-dense Blue-green algae. Available just about any grocery store that has a bulk section. It is packed full of vitamins A, C, E and many B vitamins as well. It has plenty of calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Vitamin C and selenium are both antioxidants which can protect all your lovely cells that make you, you from becoming damaged.