Rushing around getting ready for work wondering… why is there work today? Christopher Columbus was king shit of dirtbag mountain and we close the banks (and maybe the schools, I dunno I don’t have kids) for him.. seems like Juneteenth deserves better. Also, speaking of dirtbags, did you know Trump claims to have made this holiday famous? Laughable. Maybe that’s how we could get rid of him. We could all gather together, in his yard (our yard) and just point and laugh at all of his insecure, small dick energy until he just withers away into nothingness. A laugh heard around the world. We could laugh until he cries and then we could make that day a holiday he could take some credit for. Who’s with me?
Day 155: Snackery… a rice cake, cherries, bananas, almond butter, blueberries, chia seeds and… I mixed up some Greek yogurt with a little coconut butter and fresh grated ginger. It was dope. I had two.