Question. Is it still patience if you brag about it? Lets us see, shall we? I spent three hours, forty five minute and twenty eight seconds on the phone with unemployment today. Weeks (months actually) have passed and I’ve been unable to reach anyone. I found a little loophole today and finally broke through. Despite all the purgatory muzak I kept it together. I didn’t lose it. I didn’t snack out of boredom or get angsty or entertain dramatic thoughts of how “this is my forever…” and I quickly dismissed the image of my skeleton being evicted from the apartment with my iPhone still in hand. Honestly… the idea of my phone and I dying together is a little too dark. Even for me. While in the land of hold I discovered I was famished and pulled together some banana pancakes. As soon as I dropped them in the pan someone finally appeared on the other end of the line. Just like how it will nearly always rain after you wash your car.. and yeah I totally burned my pancakes BUT no big deal. Now I’ve got money to make more pancakes. Anyhow, I’m proud of myself for keeping cool. I guess the yoga and meditation is working. I saw today that the Chopra Center is doing a free 21 day meditation program, if you want to give it a shot. It could save you from losing it too.. and maybe from caring if you burn your pancakes.
Day 170: Banana pancakes with almond butter, flax and chia. Topped with cinnamon coconut cream, strawberries and bloobs. I usually can pass on a strawberry but these are off the charts. ‘Tis the season after all. It’s been hard not to crush them all at once.