13 months.. not mad at it!


Today I am one year and one month sober! 

Feels good! Major changes I have noticed? I am far less pissed. I used to be so angry. So volatile. So.. ready to fight about something. Anger, as an emotion is attached to our livers. Makes since that taking alcohol out of the equation would relieve a lot of that anger. It also makes room for you to objectively look at, name and heal whatever it is you are angry about. Gotta let that shit go. Walking around all pissed off is no way to live. Marcus Aurelius once said “How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.” To that I say, Preach, Marcus! Preach! 

Day 199: Roasted sweet potato, daikon kimchi, arugula, bloobs and hemp hearts. 
I love sweet potatoes for breakfast. It’s like taking a multi-vitamin. Honestly. Check this out. It’s got vitamin A, great for your vision and immune system. Vitamin C, the worlds most popular antioxidant. B6, your body does not produce this on its own but needs it to create new red blood cells and neurotransmitters. B5, which converts your food into energy. E, another antioxidant, helps to protect your cells from free radicals and a selling point for a ton of beauty products. Potassium, one of the most vital minerals in the body. It regulates nerve signals, muscle contractions and can reduce blood pressure. Amazing! Last but not least, Manganese. Also vital but you don’t need a ton of it. This stuff does it all. It reduces inflammation, improves the health of our bones, helps regulate our blood sugar and normalizes our metabolism. All of that before lunch! Huzzah!