There is no place like home
I spent 9 hours in the car today. I drove through hypnotic wind farms, stinky oil fields and a few welcome rain storms. Duncan Trussells Family Hour kept me company for most of the drive. I stopped here and there to take pictures and fill up. At one of the Nowheresville truck stops I noticed they had some green juices on display by the front door. I thought that was pretty rad (progressive even) considering there are rarely healthy snack options on the road. It gave me hope. Until I looked at the label and I saw that it had 50 grams of sugar! That is twice the daily recommended serving (dose?) for women. The Milky Way bar to the right of the display only had 36 grams. Very deceptive. The nerve. Anyhow, I am glad to be off the road and back in the land of plenty. It is unusual for me to get homesick when I am away for work but, I was really feeling it this time. Counting the days and clicking my heels. Just wanting to get back to my little corner of the world. After I dragged myself and all my stuff upstairs I danced through my doorway, ate some watermelon and went out on my bike to watch the sun go down. Yeah it was still 90 degrees but it was magic none the less. I had been dreaming about riding my bike all week. I went over one bridge and under the next, waving goodnight to everyone who camps down there. Past the house with the pig and I cruised by the old pecan orchard. One house had their movie projector set up in the back yard. They were watching Princess Bride, which is too good to pass up. I stopped for second to catch my breath and the classic line “anybody want a peanut?” Then I was off into the night like the Dread Pirate Roberts himself. There really is no place like home.
Day 203: Grapefruit, kimchi and bloobs. Great for being in a hurry and not wanting to dirty up anymore dishes.