Deeds, not words. We have all done that thing where we talk about what we are going to do and then.. nothing happens. It is talk. Maybe because we are scared to fail. Scared to be happy. Scared to change. That’s a big one. No matter. My wish for all of us as we head into the weekend is that we simply shut up and take the first step (or that equally scary final step) toward whatever we have been talking about. Whatever it is. Prioritize that this weekend.
Day 209: Cucumber and pineapple salad with cilantro, mint and pink sea salt. Avocado, kimchi and bloobs with a little coconut oil. This was the best avocado I have had all summer. A++
When shopping for avocados I am playing the long game. I grab a few that are still hard. By hard I mean if you threw it at someone during a food fight they would bruise and you would be benched for playing like a jerk. Once home I stash them in a paper bag with the date on them and check to see how they’re coming along as my cravings for avocado come about. If they start to ripen faster than I anticipated I toss them in the fridge to slow things down. This way I waste less time at the store and get to eat more avocados because they haven’t turned to sad mush in the time it takes to put on my flip flops.