Inauguration Day


The first words I read this morning were “Trump has left the White House” and I felt my jaw and my butthole relax to a degree that they have not been able of for the past 4+ years. I feel obligated now to ask that the next time you find yourself clenching your jaw to check and see if you are clenching anywhere else.. lower.. darker. Because I’d bet money that you are. We do this subconsciously when we are feeling a need to gain control. Anyhow.. feeling blissed out and relieved today but fully aware that there is still much work to be done. A while back one of my clients set a goal in regards to his health and as we were talking about what it would look like to accomplish this I asked him why it was important that he reach this goal and he said “I am an engaged person. I want to stay engaged and I want to feel good while I do it.” From his lips to the goddesses ears! Y’all please. Take care of yourselves. Stay the course. Eat well Stay engaged! The world needs you feeling good, capable and present.

Breakfast today.. yogurt, bananas, kumquats, blueberries, almonds, pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts and pecans - I’m glad I picked so many. Protein, fats, fiber, omegas, vitamin c, antioxidants, potassium & magnesium.