Hello World! I’ve been logged into the 3D a touch more lately. Doing all things that turn my crank.. like painting, yoga-ing & working on some stuff I’ll be able to share with y’all soon.. but I see there are a bunch of new faces around here so I wanted to take a second to reintroduce myself.. I’m Bonnie Rue! I started my sobriety journey about 4 years ago.. there have been some missteps, I mean - learning opportunities - along the way... but I am now 19 months sober. Which feels amazazing. I am also a professional chef who spent some time cooking at a recovery center. My experience there changed the way I approach my own sobriety & inspired me to go back to school so I could help others recover - from the inside out. Anyhow, about a year ago I started this blog documenting everything I ate for breakfast for an entire year. I needed something to hold me accountable in my efforts to heal my body & mind from all the neglect & damage I did over the years. If you need a little inspiration, guidance or want to see/read about someone else’s recovery journey you have come to the right place.
I truly believe creating a strong biological foundation in recovery makes us more available to the psychological & spiritual aspects of the journey. They are all connected of course. Just like we are. It’s a beautiful thing.
Breakfast today.. sautéed kale, parsley, garlic and mushrooms with a little lemon & dukkah on top + a soft boiled farm egg. I put seeds and nuts on damn near everything. 1. Because I like crunch & 2. They have a bunch of omega’s that help my brain do it’s job + it makes since to eat something that is the literal potential for growth when growing is your agenda. Right? Hell yeah.