I know I generally talk about food here but a healthy diet is more than what ends up on our plate or in our mouths. There are primary “foods” like relationships, exercise, creativity, joy & spirituality. The moon has been a part of my spiritual practice for the past several years. I found it an easy and fascinating thing to connect to as it is always hanging around in the sky, constantly shifting. Observing it helped me feel grounded in all the shifting that was taking place in my own life. The Full Moon signals us to let go. I came to see it as a cosmi-spiritual exhaling. Honoring and releasing what no longer serves us. On the New Moon we breathe in, calling to us what we want to come in the absence of that which we have released.
I was super drawn to the Full Moon in early sobriety. I was ready to clear things out! Physically, materially & emotionally. Painful as it may have been. It felt like universally sanctioned and scheduled time to do what needed to be done. Release bad habits, relationships and old issues that were keeping me stuck. Giving my full attention to these things for 1 night a month (processing, journaling, crying, etc) kept me from feeling overwhelmed by them all the time or avoiding them all together.
Later on I found myself much more drawn to the New Moon. The clearer my life and thinking got in sobriety, the more creative I felt and that, for me, is the energy of the new moon. It’s the big breath in before you take the first step in forging a new path. It’s the vision board for what is ahead. A reminder that we create everything in our lives, so it’s best to take a beat and see it clearly so we know what moves to make in order to create it well.
The cycle from new to full mimics the natural inhale and exhale of our lives, the world and energy around us.
Tonight is the Moon is new in the sign it rules over - Cancer. A sensitive, loving, gentle and protective sign. It has come home to rest and begin again, if you will. So, take a cue from this and make some time tonight to honor yourself as home. Set some intentions and call in what is most needed right now for your personal well-being.
What do you need to feel nurtured and cared for?
What do you need to feel safe and loved?
The time is right for manifesting that into your life.
If you found this post helpful and would like to learn more about this please let me know in the comments below. I really enjoy this part of my spiritual practice and I would love to share more of it with y’all if y’all are interested. - B