Life is like underwear. Change is good.


I’m not sure who said it but I am in full agreement. Change is good. Fresh underwear, also good. Change. Shift. Transform. It can be fun when you surrender to it. Playing and moving the pieces around until you reach a desired outcome. Any hint of resistance, however, will render even the concept of ‘fun’ into something alien and unrecognizable. Everything in my life has been up for review lately. Change is what’s on the menu. “What is this? Do I need this? Could it be something else? Who wants this?” Whether I’m going through my closet, my address book or an ancient self limiting belief (seriously, who wants this?)... Shit is changing.

I asked myself all of these questions again last night as I was going through my fridge. Leftover roasted butternut squash? No thanks. What else could it be? *Poof * transformed into some pretty satisfying bread that will now delight my neighbors and make many of my breakfast and snack dreams come true. I loosely used my go to recipe for banana bread.

Day 7: Visionary Loaf topped off with yogurt, blackberry syrup, seeds, cocoa nibs, bananas and blueberries.

I subbed out the bananas for butternut squash (about 2.5 cups), used half the sugar and skipping the eggs all together by adding a splash of vinegar to the oat milk. Delicious. Tons of potassium and Beta carotene. Great for your bones, muscles and cardiovascular system. Your body converts Beta Carotene to Vitamin A which is great for your eyes. Hence the name “Visionary Loaf”, may it help me see what I need for my highest good.

If you you too find yourself going through a lot of changes (or needing to).. don’t resist! Don’t be afraid see what else it could be.