“There’s no pressing pause. You’ve just got to say goodbye all the time, but also say hello. You must remember to say hello.” ”
This quote has been on my mind the past few weeks. As a longtime fan of the pause button (and the mute button) her words keep hitting me on a lot of different levels. I hear, be present. Be fully in the moment, every moment, one after the other. I hear, don’t be afraid to let things go and trust what is next. It has been on my mind lately because my circle of friends has changed a lot over the past few years. Since I started questioning my drinking. Since I started shifting.. and then more so once I fully got sober. I guess it happened naturally. Some relationships drifted gradually with time, others disappeared the moment I closed my tab. As if quitting drinking wasn’t sobering enough.. the absence of these connections mixed with all the solo time 2020 brings has certainly driven the point home. I guess maybe I had not realized I was saying goodbye in some of those situations or that the trend would continue. I have really missed some of those people but I have been and continue to grow a lot in accepting the distance between us. That said, I haven’t been so good about saying hello. Luckily I have had this quote stuck in my head to remind me. Instead of blogging this morning I roasted a pumpkin and picked up where I left off with an old pen pal while it was in the oven. A letter that lifted my spirits and was long over due on many levels. If you are new to sobriety and wondering where your people are I hope you have the strength to skip the pause button and the good sense to start saying hello a little sooner than I have because the moments to do so show up,
all the time.
Day 260: Kimchi, pears, blueberries, sunflower sprouts, Udo’s Omega 3*6*9 oil, hemp hearts and chia seeds. I think kimchi can easily go with any fruit although, maybe not bananas. I don’t feel compelled to try it.. yet.