Sugar Cravings Tip #1


I fell into a news k-hole yesterday morning. It did not feel great. So instead of writing I used that time do a little extra yoga to ring all the talking heads out of my head. Not that I need to explain myself to anyone.. but I did. It is a bad habit and I am working on breaking it. Baby steps, baby. It is something we do to avoid being judged. I don’t think it is very effective though. We mostly just end up devaluing the point when we do this.. bummer. But listen up! I wanted to share a little something that has worked for me when it comes to fighting sugar cravings. Ready?.. it might surprise you but my top tip is having a good breakfast. I know. I am breakfast obsessed but check it out. Breakfast sets the tone. What you eat in the morning helps set your metabolism for the rest of the day.  If you start the day with refined carbohydrates or even whole grains you start your body on a carbohydrate burning cycle that will make you crave carbohydrates throughout the day.  So, start your day with some high quality fat and protein. Eggs, nut butters, avocados, protein powder smoothies (just make sure they don’t have any refined sugar). Morning is the best time to consume heavier proteins as well because our hydrochloric acid levels are highest in the morning. Get creative  Have dinner for breakfast.  I have dinner leftovers for breakfast all the time. Soup, leftover veggies turned into fritters, stir fries, fried rice or quinoa.  You could even have beans, maybe a little hummus on toast, or add a dab to your very own hot salad, yeah?  Try flip flopping dinner and breakfast, see how you feel. We all have biodiversity but I am willing to bet that your energy levels will be higher and you will reaching for sugar less. try cooking your breakfast with ghee or coconut oil for those good fats. I go through a lot of coconut oil here at Casa Rue. I put it in my smoothies, salad dressings and sautés. Get you some. I try to always buy a coconut oil that comes in a glass jar. Why? I don’t want a product that has been soaking in plastic. It can disrupt your hormones.. but more on that another day. Some of you are saying “but I am not very hungry in the morning..” and I feel that. Try it though. Your eating schedule can shift too. I started this blog and 365 days of breakfast because I didn’t want to eat breakfast but I knew I felt better when I did. So I created some accountability around it.

Day 249: Hot salad! Kale, chard and spinach with scallion, carrots, red cabbage and garlic sautéed in ghee (instead of coconut oil) with some full fat yogurt, beet kimchi (made by Ryan at F-stop Farm, it is soo good), some sunflower sprouts, full fat yogurt, a seven minute egg and garnished with some roasted spaghetti squash and cantaloupe seeds. Sounds fancy but I just save the seeds during prep and roast them off for future snacking. That way nothing gets wasted and they are full of nutrients.