

Halloween did not feel spooky or festive this year or maybe I felt a little too desensitized to get into the spirit of things. Wearing a mask every time I step out in public has sated any desire I had to put together a costume. I wore my bathrobe so I guess you could say I was relaxed for Halloween. I did not miss any of the candy this year. In fact I’m grateful it wasn’t tempting me at every turn. Halloween turned out to be more about working with the energies of the full moon than anything. Letting shit go. Grudges, people, desired outcomes, furniture, the fray in my junk drawer.. everything must go. I bathed and yoga’d and did a tarot reading. I rode my bike in the moonlight and charged all my crystals. It was a good night if a touch uneventful.

Day 279: I skipped breakfast.. I know. My body was just not into it so why force the issue? I opted for an early lunch instead. Tofu spring rolls by the river. It was nice. A little impromptu picnic action.