Day 306: OG Grilled cheese.. it was perfect.
This time of year (while it is my favorite) is kinda cuckoo bananas. Nature seems to slow down but we humans ignore the memo. Speeding up for the holidays. Shopping, visiting, traveling, decorating.. more shopping. I’ve been busy getting the Herb Bar ready for the biggest shopping weekend of the year. I stayed up real late working on our website then I got up too early to keep at it But opted for second sleep about an hour later. Second sleep is that thing where you realize that you have more dreams to have, winks to grab and it’s still early enough in the morning to get back in bed and not screw up the entire day. That being said - I did sleep through breakfast! But hey, rest when you’re tired, right? Right. I got a grilled cheese on my way to work. Then I parked by the river and ate it in the car while it rained. Turns out you can find bliss anywhere.
If you are in the thick of holiday shopping I’ve been non stop adding things to the Herb Bar website. Tons of books and tarot, Oracle decks, herbs (of course) and lovely gifty things. Just a thought.
Day 305: Full fat yogurt, bananas, bloobs, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, Udo’s 3*6*9 oil, a little honey my friend Evie brought me from her bees and cinnamon.. mas cinnamon.