Tap Tap..


The temp is dropping and it has been quite the adjustment for me since I don’t even really own socks. So, I have been working out a little harder in the mornings to warm my body up. Get those internal fires going. I stretch, shake it out, let my body pop where it needs to (hips I’m looking at you) and then I jump around until I literally can’t jump anymore. Apologies to my downstairs neighbor.. but my circulatory system is digging it right now. Before I yoga I like to do some full body tapping. It is like giving my entire being a round of applause and it is better than coffee ever was. It is awesome for your lymphatic system (the thing that manages all the toxins floating around in our bodies) but I have made it part of my daily routine because it is fun and wakes me the hell up! Give it a shot and let me know what you think?

Day 306: Kale, sweet potato, green onion, garlic, avocado, fried egg.