One Hundred


One hundred days in and while this isn’t exactly where I thought any of us would be in the spring of 2020… I remain grateful and optimistic. I cracked my gratitude journal this morning while I ate breakfast. Today’s entry went like this:

I am grateful…

  • To have a safe space to call home

  • To my family and community for the support, care and inspiration they bring.

  • For my garden. For what it is and what it is becoming.

  • To have found sobriety before this all hit. This situation would be extra challenging if I were still numbing my feelings and managing hangxiety.

  • My past self who hoarded away a bunch of art supplies, tea and bath bombs. They are keeping me grounded and entertained.

  • For all the odd jobs I’ve worked over the years.. for making me feel like I am capable of anything.

  • Bananas… I just fucking love bananas.

Day 100: Grilled Ba-cchini sandwich with skyr and bloobs. It’s not the Mona Lisa but it was really fucking tasty. I had a hard time sleeping last night so I set out to make some banana bread. Thing was, I didn’t have enough bananas.. so then I redirected and thought I’d make some zucchini bread.. but there wasn’t enough zucchini for that either. Splitting the difference was a win. 10/10 would make a gain.