The energies are starting to chafe around here. I woke up feeling agitated and aggressive. My phone was buzzing before my alarm. I didn’t get to meet the day. It just came for me. And I am not a fan of pop ins. The news alerts started rolling in shortly after and the mindlessness, the hatred and bumbling cluelessness spelled out in the headlines didn’t feel news worthy at all. It felt like boiling deja vu. Like a distraction. An attention grab. And that kind of shit makes me want to break stuff. It’s a new week and I don’t want to kick it off as some low vibing, name calling, match lighting jerk.. but sometimes that’s who I am. Just as I was going into full on “burn it all down” mode that old Edith Wharton quote tip toed into my mind, cautiously waving a white flag.. “There are two ways of spreading the light. To be the candle or the mirror that receives it.” What a wise babe. No where does she mention arson. It made me breathe. It talked it me down. It got me craving some sweetness.. to balance out the bitter.
Day 121: Banana pancakes with honeyed almond butter, bloobs, coconut, cacao nibs and maple yogurt. These were much sturdier than my last attempt. Recipe goes:
1 banana
1 egg
2 Tbs almond flour
1 Tbs Gaia Golden milk powder
dash of cacao powder
Mash it all up with a fork until it’s only mildly lumpy and unpleasing to the eye. This is fun if you’re feeling aggressive and want to make grody mess. Get your pan hot. Add butter, ghee or coconut oil (whatever turns your crank) and spoon in about a 1/3 cup of batter for each pancake. Then wait. Flip…and I think you’ve probably got it from here. As with all pancakes just accept that the first one will be ugly. Sacrificial pancake…