

It’s easy to let days slip by when you’re down. To maybe not eat enough.. or too much.. not hydrate.. not be able to muster the energy to exercise. It can become a trend though. That thing where you look up and it’s been a week since you yoga’d and your trash can is full of food that came out of a box rather than the ground. You gotta be careful because.. that’s easy. And yeah, it’s tempting to want things to be easy when you’re going through something hard. Salad is pretty easy though. Going for a walk is too. Also, I am saying it again, everyone should own a copy of When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodren. If you want a free copy from Audible I will send it to you. Nothing is easier (or more comforting) than letting someone read to you.. Just leave a comment or email me ( and it is yours.

Day 165: Big Salad.. Arugula, avocado, bell pepper, okra, tomatoes, lemon, quinoa, pepitas, chia seeds and sun cheese.

Casa de Luz introduced me to Sun Cheese. They put it all over their steamed greens and pile it onto their grains. It’s vegan and made of sunflower seeds, hence the name. I just love it. Sunflower seeds are rich in B vitamins. That sounds good sure, but what do B vitamins do? Well check it out. They metabolize your food and turn it into energy. Which is like the entire point, right? They balance your hormones and boost your immune system. They keep you from becoming anemic and lower your risk of stroke. So get some sun cheese in your life. It’s easy. It’s also cheap, delicious, dairy free and your body digs it.

Sun Cheese
1 1/4 cup hulled organic sunflower seeds (soak them for at least 4 hours if not over night)
1 clove garlic loosely chopped
2 Tbsp umeboshi plum vinegar - a staple around here, forever in my pantry.
2 Tbsp lemon juice - FRESH. If it comes out of one of those plastic lemons, you are officially bumming me out and cheating yourself. Those things should be outlawed.
1 cup H20