

Today my breakfast and I match! I think that’s a first. That old cliche is true.. you are what you eat! In this case we are chilled, pink, nutrient dense, ready to roll and sweet enough with a shred of bitterness. Ya know, for balance. I feel like one of those people who looks like their dog. I like those people. Anyhow, back to that cliche. We really are what we eat and if we are conscious with our choices, each meal can be an act of self love. I like to remind my clients that what we eat is as important as the way we talk to ourselves. That what we put in our mouths sends our bodies a message. Each bite is information. On how to feel, how to perform, repair, turn up, tune in or turn down. It is conversation as much as it is energy conversion. It can be tit for tat or teamwork. We decide. Processed foods are highly complicated and require further processing. While whole foods get straight to the point. No guess work or deciphering to slow the body down. Clear communication is definitely an act of love in my book. Plus.. it’s hot.

Day 172: Mini Me Smoothie.. bananas, strawberries, bloobs, ginger, coconut cream, pecans, cocoa nibs and flax.