What is new and good? IV


New AND Good? Let’s do it!

Ghislaine Maxwell has been arrested and charged for conspiracy, sex crimes and perjury. Now let’s just hope she sings and takes all those creeps down with her.

103 tons of fishing nets and plastic bs was successfully removed from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch by the Ocean Voyages Institute. It has been the largest ocean clean up effort to date. Huzzah to them! In similar news Germany banned single use plastics and styrofoam. A+

Yesterday I picked up some rad beet kimchi from F-stop Farm at the market. My kimchi collection is getting pretty rad these days.

Bonus round: I read this awesome article on Tenderly Mag all about Bats. It made me love them even more and totally brightened my day. Did you know that without bats we wouldn’t have mangoes or bananas? That would be a mega bummer. Also did you know that fruit bats are avid fans of oral sex, just like us? Go find out what else you don’t know and have a beautiful day!

Day 173: I needed something pretty this morning. Greek yogurt with mango, cherries, coconut, basil, nasturtium flowers, hemp hearts, chia and pumpkin seeeds.