What is new and good?


Happy Monday! Time continues to march on. Another day, another dollar, another heat wave, another opportunity to give presence and gratitude to each other, this magnificent spinning rock we call home and what may or may not be the end of the world as we know it. It has been a hot minute since I did a “What is new and good?” ( aka Not Everything Sucks) so let’s do it!

  • Cities across the world are erecting these amazing air cleaning murals and billboards! Yes, you read that right. Art that cleans the air! These giant murals are made of special, sun-activated, smog-cleaning pigments and painted by local artists. The paint is photocatalytic, made with titanium dioxide that attracts airborne pollutants before converting them into harmless nitrates through a chemical process involving sunlight. This is so rad! It is like beauty to the second power. These highly beneficial and dare I say genius works of art can be found in Warsaw, Monterey, Belgrade, Lima, Sydney, Jakarta, Manila, Sao Paulo, Santiago, Johannesburg, Melbourne, Bogota, and Panama City.

  • Vermont made composting mandatory! I do not know a lot about Vermont. In my head it’s just full of people wearing Patagonia and raking fall leaves and bobbing for apples while the cider warms up but now those same people are composting in my mind and I just love it! We should all be composting! It reduces greenhouse gas emissions. As food waste breaks down, it releases methane, which is estimated to be 30 times worse for the environment than carbon dioxide. Composting is king!

  • Australia has an excess of stale beer from restaurant closures due to the pandemic and they are turning it into renewable energy! Almost 40,000 gallons of expired beer is donated every week to a south Australian water treatment facility and they are managing to power 1,200 homes a month with it! The beer donations have boosted energy production to new levels, thanks to its high calorie content. This is wonderful and also makes a pretty good case that beer may not be great for humans to consume.

Day 205: Yogurt, chia seed pudding, watermelon, mint, bloobs, kiwi, hemp hearts, Udo’s 3*6*9 oil and honey.