I think I am going to write this on my yoga mat.. or on my bathroom mirror.. or the insoles of my shoes.. or on the sidewalk in front of the capital building. Raise your hand if you will bail me out should I get busted for defacing public property. If you can’t tell I am feeling back on it today. I rested yesterday. I balanced out my feelings of blah with bright colorful food and a little bit of sunshine. I feel present again. Ready again. It just took a day of being blah and patient with myself. Being persistent on your path does not mean that you will never have to stop to tie your shoe. Patience and persistence have a thing going on. You rarely see one without the other.
Day 192: Sweet potato, oyster mushrooms, kale, red bell pepper and scallions with sunflower, pumpkin seeds and a soft boiled egg. Blueberries on the side. EAT ALL THE COLORS. And hey, if you crave sugar add more sweet potato to your diet. Their natural sweetness will satisfy that craving, give you an energy boost, help your brain function and aid in digestion. All things that will keep from crashing and reaching for unhealthy sweets.