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Everyone needs the D

Vitamin D that is! We are not talking about sex today. We are talking about sunshine! Both are great but one is vital. Especially these days. Your immune system loves the D. While you can get a little bit of the stuff in egg yolks, cheese and liver the highest concentration can be found in fatty fish and their liver oils. Maybe you eat these things, maybe you take a supplement and that’s awesome but getting outside is where you get the most bang for zero bucks. Because here’s the thing, your body works with the sun to manufacture the stuff. DIY is always a preferred method in my world. To understand more about who, what, when and why in the land of vitamin D I recommend tuning into this episode of Radio Lab. If you are unfamiliar with this show, get ready to become obsessed. This OG podcast is on the same level as This American Life. It is podcast royalty basically. Enjoy! Maybe I will see you outside!

Day 194: Butternut squash purée, seared cherry tomatoes, scallion, red bell pepper, kale and a soft boiled egg. I roasted the squash in my Carcuma golden paste. Once it was cooled I blended with with some full fat coconut milk, skin and all. Totally comforting results.