comfort zone

Stretching through the storm..


I skipped yoga this morning. I wanted to wait for the rain. My front door opens up to an empty yard. I can throw my mat down in the doorway and stretch out alone. Watch the world have it’s bath. Everyone can keep their yoga with a twist. Be it goat yoga or death metal yoga or my least favorite… beer yoga*. I’ll take mine straight up with a splash of rain when I can get it. Once upon a time I had decided to go to a “naked on top of a sky scraper” yoga class in manhattan but I stayed out all night drinking tequila and throwing darts with a bunch of Danes instead. I guess you could say I missed the elevator. I was so optimistic in my twenties. Part of me honestly believed I could do both things. Maybe that is what growing up is.. learning which limitations are worth pushing past and that whole filing taxes business. They say it will rain for days. I am going to leave my mat in front of the door in hopes that they’re right this time.

Day 134: Sautéed kale, peppers, tart apples and mushrooms with quinoa, avocado, tahini and herbed yogurt. Pomegranate and blackberry juice on the side. I snacked on the worlds most perfect mango while I prepped breakfast. Heaven.

*I don’t mean to trash talk anyone’s good time. Everyone should do what feels right for them. Personally I just feel that adding a pint to your yoga practice defeats the purpose.