One Year Soberversary


Around the sun and back again. Today makes 365 days without a hangover. No late nights with superficial friends. No 2 am whataburger. No hangxiety or wasted days recovering from round after round of tequila shots. No staggeringly high bar tabs or forgetting my debit card at the bar. No shame. For all of its beauty out weighed the bullshit this year and I really needed it. I have gotten to reconnect with myself and feel through things I never wanted to feel. I finally learned how to truly be alone with myself without checking the exits or relying on distractions. It is funny how the older I get it is not the things I do that benefit me the most. It is the things I quit doing. Having to do less// having less to do allows me more time to just be. Giving myself that time has me feeling so creative and in turn optimistic.. despite the current circumstances of the world. Sobriety and the pandemic has finally allowed me to get what they meant by..

You are the sky. Everything else is the weather.

nothing is happening to us.. it’s just happening around us. How we choose to respond or engage is is up to us. When drunk (or hungover) I was prone to taking things personally.. on a professional level. It is a gift to be clear enough and open to learning how to catch myself, quit that shit and spend that energy elsewhere. Like.. on the yoga mat or in the kitchen or going to school or making art or calling my state representatives or riding my bike or improving my relationships or talking to my plants or reading books or starting a breakfast blog or befriending all the neighborhood cats or foraging for food or playing badminton or writing run on sentences… Remove the hangover and the chip on your shoulder and man, you can really make some moves.. learn some new ones too. So here is to another year. To clarity, stability, gratitude and sanity. I think I’ll celebrate with some Sweet Ritual ice cream, a long bike ride and a longer bath. “Cheers!”

Day 178: A few of my favorite things… Kale, kimchi, mango and bloobs.