breakfast inspiration



There’s an old saying - when the pear is ripe it falls on its own. I have it posted on my fridge to remind me to stay patient and to get busy doing something else in the mean time. This advice has served me well over the past few years. So I don’t know who needs to hear it today but there it is. Trust that the day will come.

Day 307: Steel cut oats cooked in almond milk and ghee with a perfectly ripe pear, pistachios and coconut cream. Pears are in season right now. If you pick them up in the store and they’re still a bit hard or don’t smell very sweet just yet - throw them in a paper bag for a day or so, tap into that patience I was just talking about a soon enough they’ll be juicy and perfect. Pears are a good source of fiber, they make your gut healthy, can quickly cure a sugar craving and have anti inflammatory antioxidants. Delicious.
